View Issue No.11 via
popfab (populate, fabulate)
edited by Halbe Kuipers, André Fogliano, Anouk Hoogendoorn
a number of propositions (11, or infinite) for fabulation
“Crossing the universe in an instant” — POP. Fabulation always pops, direct, in and with sparks, des éclats, or what Adam Wolfond would call the “blast of the whole… forging like a mass inside my eyes.” Pops! are everywhere, in front of us and around us, we just need to learn to see them. Fabulation is without a doubt immediate, the forces in-forming and their inflections. It thrives in and generates more appetite, always more. Appetition. Activation. ~ More life, now!
Becoming pop is when the whole so-called insides of a bodying burst out from the body in a rushed plop and at the same time, get uncontained and try with all the machines to pretend containment not truly for others but mostly for the operation’s sake. Like when in the middle of reading or in the middle of walking or let’s say in the middle of wandering, ‘something’ crosses, the suggestion of a universe flashes itself out and bathes the whole fielding into a non-end-non-beginning plane that swallows it all, provoking the inevitable involuntary burst, in the feeling of burst, uncontainment becomes irresistible for itself and pushes at great speed in order to reach and join the rays of the overtaken field. Like when a bite of a mango invades all experience and leaves room for nothing else or like when a ray of purpleness cuts through the gut of the universe and swallows perception into no-longer perceptibility but mere feeling lives.