Year two of sugaring off has come and gone, and 95 gallons of syrup later, we are also almost untapped! The process is demanding and beautiful. It begins when the weather goes above 0 during the day but stays below 0 at night. This happened late this year – the very last days of March were the beginning and then when we stopped the third week of April we could have gone on for a couple of weeks more (there was snow on the ground until two weeks ago). Now it’s been around 30 degrees for the past few days – a crazy weather shift! 

As the untapping draws to a close we are also beginning to plant the fields and gardens. This year we are experimenting with more vegetables (last year we mostly worked on regenerating the soil). We are also taking care of our 14 new fruit trees. More news on that as summer progresses!

We are always delighted to welcome you, should you find yourselves this way! And thank you so much for your support. It makes a real difference.