by 3e | Feb 28, 2025 | activities and events is a space for online composition that proposes to bring contrasting elements into play, into relation. Since 2019, it has grown into a transdisciplinary project involving many different artists working to create a space for collective artistic practice. This...
by 3e | Jun 26, 2024 | activities and events
Hi dear supporters! we have some room for residencies (includes rental but lower than market price) this summer if you’d like. Be in touch with Erin directly if interested ( The residency house is large (possibility of sleeping 8), looks onto a...
by 3e | Dec 3, 2023 | activities and events
3E’s Parapedagogical Techniques Fold Back Into the University in the form of a radically non-neurotypical PhD and PhD defence in Erin Manning recounts: The world shifted a bit on its axis today. We felt it when Mayra Morales spoke at the end of Xece Khadija...
by 3e | Sep 20, 2023 | activities and events
Becoming-Earth – Sugaring off – Reading Groups – Artists Residency Program Becoming-EarthIn early October, with covid precautions in force, the first organized gathering took place since the beginning of the pandemic. 21 3E collaborators came together on the 3E...
by 3e | Jul 28, 2023 | publications
from Minor Compositions – paperback $24, free pdf Out of the Clear begins with the question of the clearing: What operations are at work when land is cleared, or thought is cleared, of all that grows wild? Clearing, the settler-colonial act of defining a...
by 3e | Jul 25, 2023 | activities and events
The farm of one of our local collaborators, Rémi Roy, has become something like a farm extension of the 3E forest land. Located on the opposite end of Ste-Anne-du-Lac from the 3E land, it has been a working subsistence farm for generations. A work exchange arrangement...
by 3e | Jul 3, 2023 | activities and events
“Sugaring off,” or the maple syrup production season, is a ritual of the transition from the northern winter to spring. At 3E, it is a time of gathering around the wood-burning furnace where 3E collaborators from Montreal and beyond rub shoulders with...
by 3e | Apr 16, 2023 | activities and events
Taking advantage of a lull in the maple syrup production caused by unseasonably warm weather to catch up on an activity report…First, a reminder: we limit our posts on Patreon to occasional updates to avoid burdening your in box. More frequent communications and...
by 3e | Mar 12, 2023 | publications
Erin Manning and Brian Massumi discuss the orientations of the 3E Project and the transition from the SenseLab.
by 3e | Feb 4, 2023 | activities and events
The Dramaturgical Ecologies, a research group from Concordia University headed by Angelique Wilkie, returned to 3E for a 4-day residency on “para-ontological” conceptions of Blackness. Seventeen participants gathered around informal discussions, a reading...