In this video, Jonas Fritsch and Mogens Jacobsen of the IT University of Copenhagen describe their interactive sculpture that responds to movement and other changing parameters in the surrounding environment, making these shifts in the relational field visible in its...


 In-depth collective reading of philosophy has been at the heart of SenseLab activities  since its inception, and is equally central to the 3 Ecologies  Institute. A main reading group has been continuously active for 16 years, and has generated numerous spin-off...

Propositions for Social Dreaming

  Andrew Goodman and Erin Manning present their relational quilt proposition for seeding collective dreaming, inspired by a short story by Ursula LeGuin. Between April and December 2019, the three quilts will travel from sleeper to sleeper across SenseLab network...

Diagramming Writing

An impasse occurs. Suddenly  words seem incapable of attending to the contours of a project. The  urgency that brought a project into activation is weighed down by a fear  of not being capable of articulating its shifting stakes. How to  diagram its force back into...


Schizosomatics is a speculative-pragmatic study on modes of experience through the schizz, cut or interval. If somatics is considered a plane of affective swarming of experience that includes the body but is not limited to it, then the multiplicity of schizzes are...