Activities and Events Updates is a space for online composition that proposes to bring contrasting elements into play, into relation. Since 2019, it has grown into a transdisciplinary project involving many different artists working to create a space for collective artistic practice. This...
Residencies !
Hi dear supporters! we have some room for residencies (includes rental but lower than market price) this summer if you’d like. Be in touch with Erin directly if interested ( The residency house is large (possibility of sleeping 8), looks onto a...
Beyond Defending
3E's Parapedagogical Techniques Fold Back Into the University in the form of a radically non-neurotypical PhD and PhD defence in Erin Manning recounts: The world shifted a bit on its axis today. We felt it when Mayra Morales spoke at the end of Xece Khadija Baker’s...
Ceramics – Pit Firing
Becoming-Earth – Sugaring off – Reading Groups – Artists Residency Program Becoming-EarthIn early October, with covid precautions in force, the first organized gathering took place since the beginning of the pandemic. 21 3E collaborators came together on the 3E...
Cooperative Goats – and Major Donations!!
The farm of one of our local collaborators, Rémi Roy, has become something like a farm extension of the 3E forest land. Located on the opposite end of Ste-Anne-du-Lac from the 3E land, it has been a working subsistence farm for generations. A work exchange arrangement...
Sugaring Off 2023
"Sugaring off," or the maple syrup production season, is a ritual of the transition from the northern winter to spring. At 3E, it is a time of gathering around the wood-burning furnace where 3E collaborators from Montreal and beyond rub shoulders with local...
Knots of Thought Writing Retreat
Taking advantage of a lull in the maple syrup production caused by unseasonably warm weather to catch up on an activity report...First, a reminder: we limit our posts on Patreon to occasional updates to avoid burdening your in box. More frequent communications and...
Ground Provisions Residency – December 14-18 2022
The Dramaturgical Ecologies, a research group from Concordia University headed by Angelique Wilkie, returned to 3E for a 4-day residency on "para-ontological" conceptions of Blackness. Seventeen participants gathered around informal discussions, a reading group on the...
In late September, 3E hosted 20 participants for a residency entitled "Redolence and Resonance." The 3-day workshop was organized around the work of Mathew Arthur (University of British Columbia; on "smellworlds": cultural and...
Summer Residency 2 – Dramaturgical Ecologies
In the second week of July, 3E hosted a residency for the Dramaturgical Ecologies research group from Concordia University, Montreal. Dramaturgical Ecologies is a multidisciplinary research-creation group headed by Angélique Wilkie (Dance, Concordia University). Its...
Summer Residency I: Fire! Outdoor Earthen Ovens
The 3E project's first summer residency was held the first week of July 2022. The week's project revolved around the work of three accomplished Montreal-based mixed-media artists who come from cultural traditions whose cooking practices traditionally involve the...
Moving on from Maple
We have been using this year's maple production as a fund-raising tool, taking contributions in return for syrup. Our donations have just surpassed our expenses for the season. (Expenses were $2952 and we just surpassed $3000 in returns). Everything we bring in from...
Sugaring off!
Year two of sugaring off has come and gone, and 95 gallons of syrup later, we are also almost untapped! The process is demanding and beautiful. It begins when the weather goes above 0 during the day but stays below 0 at night. This happened late this year - the very...
Activities Update – November 2021
Becoming-Earth – Sugaring off – Reading Groups – Artists Residency Program Becoming-EarthIn early October, with covid precautions in force, the first organized gathering took place since the beginning of the pandemic. 21 3E collaborators came together on the 3E...
Diagrammatic Thought Reading Group
Alfred North Whitehead--and aesthetics The Diagrammatic Thought RG continues thinking with the Whiteheadian notion of the world "as a medium" (see Process and Reality, Part II, Ch. IV, Sects IV to IX). Only, now we are adding the aesthetics layer to this notion,...
Schizoanalysis reading group
A new email-based reading group on schizoanalysis is starting. Schizoanalysis, the practice of creating conditions for a life resplendent with neurodiversity, is explored here. Current reading: Camille Robcis, Disalienation. Contact:
3Ecologies making-thinking
Making-thinking is at the heart of the transversality of the three ecologies. We look forward to doing that together. We are excited about the new 3E forest location in the Upper Laurentians, and would like to open one of the ecological houses for artist/writer...
Toward 3e, a Manifesto in Movement
Toward 3E, a Manifesto in MovementA manifesto 3E-style is a lure for feeling, dangling on thepropositional horizon. More invitational than imperative, it calls forthsets of conditions, inviting an exploration of what they can do.1. TransversalityThe three ecologies –...
General Assembly
Hi everyone!What a year it's been! Thank you so much for being with us as fellow travellers. We have very exciting news - we have purchased a large piece of land in northern quebec for our 3E work. Below also find the link to our zoom meeting today.Topic: General...
How 3E is Weathering the Pandemic
To Our Patrons,We wanted to give you an update of our activities under the difficult circumstances of the covid-19 pandemic. Our model, honed over many years, has been to phase synergistically between online interactions and in-person gatherings of experimental...
Playcare – January 2020
For all of those who need to learn from children how to play.
In January we started Playcare, a weekly gathering of any children who want to come and play, and teach us study on their own terms. Orientations include research on a winter greenhouse and a cricket farm... For now, much of this looks like making forts, kneading...
Textual Feelers
The reading acts as lure. We gather around it, committed to the text’s capacity not so much to pin down meaning as for meaning to diffuse, rippling the room with hints of thoughts to come. Their imperceptible sway, already felt, colours the room in advance of their...
In this video, Jonas Fritsch and Mogens Jacobsen of the IT University of Copenhagen describe their interactive sculpture that responds to movement and other changing parameters in the surrounding environment, making these shifts in the relational field visible in its...
In-depth collective reading of philosophy has been at the heart of SenseLab activities since its inception, and is equally central to the 3 Ecologies Institute. A main reading group has been continuously active for 16 years, and has generated numerous spin-off...
Propositions for Social Dreaming
Andrew Goodman and Erin Manning present their relational quilt proposition for seeding collective dreaming, inspired by a short story by Ursula LeGuin. Between April and December 2019, the three quilts will travel from sleeper to sleeper across SenseLab network...
Diagramming Writing
An impasse occurs. Suddenly words seem incapable of attending to the contours of a project. The urgency that brought a project into activation is weighed down by a fear of not being capable of articulating its shifting stakes. How to diagram its force back into...
Schizosomatics is a speculative-pragmatic study on modes of experience through the schizz, cut or interval. If somatics is considered a plane of affective swarming of experience that includes the body but is not limited to it, then the multiplicity of schizzes are...